The Arrival (1996)
The greatest danger facing our world has been the planet's best kept secret...until now.
poster The Arrival
IMDb Rating:
6.2/10 (32384 votes)

Country:United States, 115 minutes

Spoken Languages:English

Genres:Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director(s):David Twohy

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 2070

Zane (Charlie Sheen), a young, mild-mannered astronomer discovers an extraterrestrial radio signal. After being fired from his organization for reporting this to his superior, he takes a chance on discovering the truth: that his workplace is not quite what it seems to be and a sinister conspiracy is at work. The aliens are keeping a deadly secret, and will stop at nothing to prevent Zane from learning it.


photo Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen Zane Zaminsky
photo Lindsay Crouse
Lindsay Crouse Ilana Green
photo Richard Schiff
Richard Schiff Calvin
photo Ron Silver
Ron Silver Phil Gordian
photo Teri Polo
Teri Polo Char

Medium: Media file,

Location: G:\SciFi\The Arrival.mp4

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Unknown